Wednesday, April 27, 2011

my final project- (gray scale)- planning and ideas

Here are some ideas of planing for how to do the border and middle part of my gray scale composition. 
- #1 has all of them there, but I didn't try to restrict the size or length and I didn't try to just stay in one area. The line shows how it goes across the bottom and up half way on the side. 
- # 2 is just one instrument symbol per a side.  There is no particular meaning or purpose for it, but it does go counterclockwise around the frame and then, top to bottom inside.
- # 3 I kept the same series of the symbols as in #1, but kept them within the margins of one line of the frame.
* you can see also, that I had trouble figuring out size of the symbols and spacing, that's why I have white/blank spots in some places and in other places I ran out of room.

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