Wednesday, April 6, 2011

10b - process notes

I guess I went a little overboard, making 4 ads instead of just 2, but oh, well. I had a hard time with photoshop. I just didn't like the results I was getting and I was fustrated, so I opened up Chris' logo in photoshop, and actually took his key whole letterhead and put it into a Microsoft Word 2003 document, added to it; and that was my preliminary sketch for my computer work. The two actual ads I did as my "computer work", were also done on Microsoft Word 2003. Then I did a quick "hand drawn priliminary sketch", in black, perminant marker, but it didn't satisfy me, so I didn't continue with the hand drawing. All these things didn't take very long cmpared to the next part; I made two "colague-like" ads. I cut out pictures from calendars and different types of magazines, arranged them and glued them onto the 8 1/2 x 11 sketch paper. This was a lot of fun!  I tried to convey the same basic information about the company in all four ads and tried to make them atractive to the eye. Did I succeed? I don't totaly know, but I think I did in some ways.

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