Wednesday, April 6, 2011

10b - info.

*10 Questions I Asked Chris=
5 ?s regarding company:
1. How large is your company (employees and customers)?
2. Do they do any research and development and if so, what do they do?
3. What year was the company founded?
4. What different types of products (kinds of eyeglasses) dose the company sell, and who, if any, is their target audience?
5. Where is the company headquarters and where are the branch stores, if any?
5 ?s regarding potential ad content:
6. Which of your two logos do you want me to use, and would you mind if I should put the founding date on it?
7. Do you want the add to have some detail, or be just a quick read?
8. Can I make up a sort of "catch phrase" for it, even if it's not part of the actual logo?
9. Do you want me to keep the same size and colors for the logo?  If so, please let me know what you used.
10. Is there anything you don't want me to add to, put in, or take away from either the logo or the add?
*His Answers=
5 ?s regarding company:
1. We have 20 plants worldwide, 8,000 employees and a limitless number of customers.
2. Yes, we are always looking for new, innovative ways to make eyeglasses.
3. 1990.
4. Anyone- infants to older people.
5. Augusta, ME, but we sell in all stores, everywhere.
5 ?s regarding potential ad content:
6. The key whole one.
7. It's up to you; give it some detail if you want to.
8. "It's What We Do", (he already had one).
9. Yes, please look at my blog, I'll send you the files.
10. No, be creative.

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