Thursday, April 14, 2011

final project- song choice and composition ideas

Here it is.
In class I brought in a cd with the song of my choosing on it: "Big Noise From Winnetka."
It is a song from the Jazz, Big Band Swing era, and it is 4:05 mins. long.
On my cd, it's performed by: The Swingfield Big Band= Gil Rodin, Bob Crosby, Robert Haggert and Ray Bauduc.
I knew I wanted to pick a song from my swing cd for the final project, but it took me a long time to pick which one; they're all so good! I thought of using either "Sing, Sing, Sing", or "The Pink Panther Theme", but I decided not to, since those ones are so well known, they have so many images, ideas and thoughts attached to them and I didn't want that to affect me or others; so I picked one that's not as well known. I also picked it because it seemed to be the song with the most clear sections to it. There are five sections to it, and I found I could make a better distinction between them in this song than in the others. I think I'll dance out one of my compositions, probably the color one, but not sure yet, and hand-paint out the other (probably the black and white one, but not sure yet), so they're different. There are at least three sections in the song, where there's a one instrument solo, or at least one instrument is highlighted. This will help me to show the difference in the various panels of my canvas, as I want to either have a specific physical movement technique for each instrument, or a different color paint (acrylics). I haven't decided yet, if I will plan out "the dance steps", or not; I'd like to just dance how I feel as I listen to the song, even probably, have my eyes closed the whole time on both the "feet composition" and the "hand composition." We'll see.
Hopefully too, I can find some way to film myself making them, so I can show that to the class as my process. I'm not sure how else I could explain the process, if it ends up being so "in the moment." The two compositions overall, I think, should be bright, energized, yet a little mysterious, somewhat romantic, and have some of that randomness or chaoticness that is found in Jazz, yet, as was mentioned in class, a politeness in that the instruments kind of take turns; there's a comrodery there. Also, when I listen to the song I picture both "couples dancing" and "the band performing on stage." I'll try to put all this together and see what comes out of it.

Thanks, -Lisa Schwab

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